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The Importance of Cloud Technology for the Future of K-12 Schools

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly affected educational institutions globally. According to a report from the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), the pandemic disrupted education for over 1.6 billion students worldwide. In the United States, K–12 schools were forced to move instruction online, and students had to learn from home. Due to limited resources and staff, many schools were not able to shift to online education.

In such a scenario, cloud applications, systems, and communication require minimal effort and resources for schools to shift to digital learning and administration. Through cloud technology systems and services, communication between students, faculty, and staff has significantly improved. Cloud technologies are a necessary and essential tool to drive student engagement and optimize the learning experience.

Struggles Adopting Cloud-Based Technologies

Some schools have initiated the process of implementing cloud-based educational technology; however, several schools are not prepared to make this enterprise-impacting change. According to CNBC reports, K–12 schools in 33 US states barely have the capacity to implement cloud computing or other technology projects.
Google and Microsoft, technology companies that utilize cloud-based technologies, are experiencing massive revenue hikes. To meet consumer and business needs, cloud computing is growing fast to shape the future of education.
Cloud-based technologies are accessible to K–12

  • A Digital Classroom Environment for Today’s Students

School districts are visualizing how they can move towards a new teaching and learning paradigm. Cloud computing has made distance education accessible and usable by providing virtual classrooms. For instance, Google Classroom hosts over 50 million users globally and will continue to grow as technology dependence increases.
For students who are used to online social, healthcare, banking, and retail, virtual classrooms are easily adopted and well-liked by students. As per a recent survey, students who attended virtual classes improved their academic performance. Also, researchers found students were highly motivated to learn due to the synchronous and asynchronous aspects of technology-based instruction. Cloud-based technologies provide an improved student experience and better student engagement.

  • Online administration and services

Cloud technology is beneficial for students and teachers since technology empowers both the teacher and the learner. Integrating cloud computing systems and services into the daily workflow helps administrators accomplish more through automation and easy access. Cloud technology is a step up from office computers or classroom devices because you can increase productivity by securely connecting from anywhere with minimal IT support.

  • Access to Enterprise Technology for K–12 Education

According to a report from the Center for American Progress, one of the biggest challenges for K–12 school districts in the United States is a lack of funds that prevents schools from implementing solutions for online education. These obstacles increase the digital divide between schools that can afford these services and those that cannot. K-12 school districts can access the powerful and affordable features of cloud computing. These features bring many benefits to schools, including minimizing data storage costs, eliminating the cost of expensive hardware, and providing ease of access and mobility.

Campus Consortium Helps K–12 Education Access and Afford Technology

Cloud-based technology brings benefits to all education environments when implemented and supported appropriately and when the cost fits into a frugal and limited budget. There are affordable cloud technology solutions available in the market for K–12 and higher education. Campus Consortium, a leading non-profit technology association, helps educational institutions access tools, systems, and applications to drive student success and enhance the online learning experience. To learn more, visit